Transverse Matter
Transversal Matter for the students of the Faculty of Medicine
The activities proposed by the Regidoria de Joventut of the Lleida City Council are the following:
This training offer is made in collaboration with the Regidoria de Joventut of the Lleida City Council.
Applications are processed through Maite Martí, (tel. 973 70 22 04) and Jordi Sabio (tel. 973 70 22 76) of the Secretary of Health Sciences or Noemí Cierco of the Regidoria de Joventut of the City Council of Lleida.
Noemí Cierco - Joventut
C/La Palma, 6-10 de Lleida
Phone to request information 973700667
The training offer is linked to the following subjects:
- Professional attitudes and values of Health Sciences linked to solidarity activities-I (3 ECTS). Carry out an activity from the table of three modules or a combination of activities that provide three modules.
Professional attitudes and values of Health Sciences linked to solidarity activities-II (3 ECTS). Carry out an activity from the table of three modules or a combination of activities that provide three modules.
The offers are organized in modules of 25 hours, each of these modules corresponds to 1 ECTS.
The integral formation of the student is one of the fundamental functions of contemporary universities. The university has to train good professionals of the various branches of knowledge, at the same time that it has to facilitate the intellectual and personal development of the students based on some values and has to help them to build the seva capacity of the university. he reflected criticism per such that puguin interact in the society that they form part of with citizens.
In this sense, the university institutions must be able to offer some knowledge and skills that are socially useful for all students, regardless of the degree they are studying, and that have a transversal training character. Royal Decree 861/2010, in which the regulation of official university teachings is established, reculls this philosophy on transversal training, more than regulated teaching stricto sensu. In fact, article 12.8 establishes in this regard that "according to article 46.2.i of the Llei Orgànica d'Universitats 6/2001, students will be able to obtain academic recognition in credits for participating in university cultural activities, sports , of student representation, solidarity and cooperation.To this effect, the study plan will have to contemplate the possibility that students obtain a recognition of almenys 6 credits on the total of the plan, for the participation in the esmentades activities".
The UdL offers these knowledge and skills that complement the subject of 6 ECTS Transversal Matter that are included in the study plans of all grades.
Currently, the transversal Matter is divided into two large teaching areas:
- Strategic training
It is focused on areas of knowledge and skills that are considered substantius to strengthen an integral formation of the student, such as: entrepreneurship; scientific thought; the TIC's and the new technological platforms; and communication and written and oral expression.
- Transversal basic training
It includes those activities of cultural and sporting interest; the actions related to the question of gender; cooperative activities; the activities that promote the acquisition of informational skills -bibliographic and documentation resources-; participation in congresses, symposiums and conferences organized at the UdL of a clearly transversal nature; així com, student representation and participation.