Program of Aids of the Faculty of Medicine for Students of the Master in Biomedical Research. COURSE 2017-2018

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Agreement number 99/2017 of the Governing Council of April 25, 2017, approving the Program of aid of the Faculty of Medicine for students of the Master in Biomedical Research. Course 2017-2018.

The Faculty of Medicine considers it important that graduates continue their training with the completion of a master's degree. Thus, these aids are summoned in order to promote the incorporation of students to the training offer of their own.

Article 1. Purpose

The Faculty of Medicine summons the Program of aid for students of masters to favor the incorporation of students in the Master in Biomedical Research.

Article 2. Purpose

This program aims to grant aid to students who enroll in the Master in Biomedical Research of the Faculty of Medicine during the course of 2017 to 2018.

Article 3. Budget

The total amount allocated to these grants is 4,000 euros by the Faculty of Medicine.

Article 4. Beneficiaries

Students who are new to access and of any nationality who have enrolled in the Master's Degree in Biomedical Research of the Faculty of Medicine can be beneficiaries of these grants.

Article 5. Concept of aid

The aid is intended to be a complement that contributes to defray part of the amount of the enrollment in the masters. In no case will cover the entire amount of tuition since the aid is 1000 euros per applicant.

Article 6. Aid and method of payment

In order to make payment effective, the student must have enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine within the established deadlines.

Payment will be made by bank transfer of € 1000 before the end of 2017.

These aids will be subject, as the case may be, to the retentions provided for in the current tax legislation.

Article 7. Requests and filing date

The application will be considered automatically submitted at the time the student has made the enrollment.

Any application that does not meet the requirements established in this call will be denied.

Article 8. Selection criteria

The evaluation of the applications and proposal of resolution of these aids is in charge of the Commission of studies of the masters. This Commission will submit a motion for resolution to the dean of the Faculty.

Applications submitted will be scored according to the academic criteria detailed below:


  1. Final note of the academic record of the university degree with which the master's degree is accessed (for students with foreign degrees the equivalence note of the MECD: .jjsp? IdConvocatoria = 818); (Up to 10 points).
  2. Curriculum vitae (up to a maximum of 3 points) according to the following scale:

Extracurricular practices

0.5 pts/práctica

Stay in estranger

1 pt/estada

Mobility activities

0.5 pts/actividad

Poster presentation congréso

0.5 pts/póster si 1er autor

0.1 pts/póster no 1r autor



Oral communication conference

1 pt/comunicación oral

Scientific articles in 1st and 2nd quartile magazines

2 pts/articulo si 1er autor

1 pt/articulo no 1er autor

Scientific articles in 3 rd and 4 th quartiles

0.5 pts/articulo si 1er autor

0.1 pts/articulo no 1r autor


Article 9. Resolution

The resolution of the aid corresponds to the dean, according to the proposal foreseen in article 8.

Against this resolution, which does not exhaust the administrative channels, interested parties may file an appeal with the rector within a period of one month from the day following the publication of the resolution.

Article 10. Acceptance of aid

The selected students must submit to the Secretariat of the Faculty of Medicine the document of acceptance of the duly signed aid.

Article 11. Withdrawal

The waiver of an aid granted will be made by means of a reasoned document addressed to the Commission of Studies of the Master.

Article 12. Non-compliance

The submission of the application implies acceptance of the terms of this call in its entirety. In case of non-compliance, the beneficiary must repay the amount of the aid and will be required to pay the corresponding interest from the moment the subsidy is paid until the date the refund is agreed, as established in article 37 of Law 38 / 2003, of November 17, general of subsidies.

Article 13. Incompatibilities

This aid is incompatible with any other assistance from the UdL's own funds, the MECD's Departmental Collaboration Scholarship and the Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation Masters Scholarship for the same academic period.

Article 14. Advertising

The publication of all the procedures of the call, as well as the final resolution will be published in the e-TABLER of the electronic headquarters (, at the same time also will be published in The website of the Faculty of Medicine ( and on the bulletin board of the Faculty.

Article 15. Incidences

The Study Committee of the Master can dictate all the complementary norms that are necessary for the normal development of the procedure and has attributed the power of interpretation of the bases when doubts arise on the scope or meaning of some of its precepts. This committee can resolve any other issues or incidents that may occur in the development of this call.

Article 16. Resources

Against the bases of this call, which exhaust the administrative route, and regardless of its immediate execution, the interested parties may file an administrative appeal before the Administrative Court, within two months from the day following the publication of this Resolution that ends the administrative route, as provided by art. 8.3, 46.1 and 14.1 of Law 29/1998, of July 13, regulating the administrative contentious jurisdiction.

However, the interested parties may choose to file against this agreement an appeal for reinstatement, within a period of one month, before the Governing Council. In this case, the aforementioned administrative contentious appeal may not be filed as long as there is an express or presumptive resolution of the appeal for reconsideration, in accordance with the provisions of articles 123 and 124 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, Common administrative procedure for public administrations.

Participation in this call means acceptance of each and every one of the bases.